Back to blogging

Today I am back to my blog. I stopped for a while because of medical reasons and I wanted to spend time with my family and learn about who I am while trying to live with a chronic illness. That didn’t go as planned and I’ll explain why. 

   I do not have a strong family support system while I’ve been going through my illness. I say to myself that I never give up because I am not a quitter, but at the end of the day I really don’t know who I’m fighting for. I’ve come a long way and made progress with my health. 

   I will be blogging to get my feelings out there and use it as a form of therapy. 

21 thoughts on “Back to blogging

  1. Hi thanks you for reading my blog….glad to here your making progress…atm I am going to hospital for regular platelet transfusions but I also taking lots of medication and I am immune suppressant treatment ciclosporin. I was diagnosed about 7-8weeks ago. John

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  2. Well when I was in hospital I was having a “atg” treatment it comes from a horse and it suppressed my immune system within a week. But since I been discharged 5weeks ago they have put me ciclosporin it’s doing the job but they taste horrible but now they are giving a me a lower dose because I have alot in my blood still , normally it goes down but I still have a high level of it…but they got it under control atm but I get really weird sensations in my legs sometimes tingling n burning in my hands. I have not heard of rapamune…I will look it up


  3. I have to wait 4months to see any sort of results in my blood count as you proberly know. I have 2 bone marrow biopsy but due for my 3rd one. Transplant is the last resort but they are throwing a lot of strong stuff at me so hopefully I will avoid that situation. What country are you from?


    1. No I didn’t go through the same treatment as you did. I went straight for marrow because I was severe aplastic anemia. I was preped with ATG for four days combined with Cytoxan. Then I was given my brothers cells and stayed in the hospital for 3 months. I am from Texas


      1. I am from East London UK. Oh did you get diagnosed late then for them to put straight in for marrow, reason whilst I am saying this is because when I went in hospital I had loads of multiple unexplained bruises they also diagnosed me with very severe Aplastic Anaemia but they said to me I came at a early stage. Maybe that’s why they put me straight on to the treatment. So I take it your blood has to be irradiated now.

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      2. Yes well I didn’t even know I was sick. I was getting nose bleeds and I had bruises since I was younger. I was 17 when I was diagnosed and had my transplant the same year. I have a brand new immune system, I’ve never had radiation

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  4. The way I see it, we have but two choices: we can allow our illnesses to define who we are, or we can defy the disease. We all struggle with the particulars of our afflictions. I don’t wish you a speedy recovery or that you kick its ass, because those are not things that are in the stars for us.

    What I do wish for you is that you make the very best of each and every day. I wish that you are an example for others to strive to; after all, if you embrace your life, how can they not see that their petty problems and insecurities are minor compared to some of the people out there.

    Keep blogging. Keep living. I saw a few people that commented that also have incurable disorders. You said that you didn’t have a support system, but in myself and those brave people that commented and shared, you will get more support than you’ll know what to do with.

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